Something about Me

Hello people,

My name is Wile E. Super Genius

I am currently in my laboratory thinking of ways to besmirch the dastardly Orange Cat that torments me everyday on my outings. I wish I could say that I could turn the other cheek when it comes the orange hairball but if I did I might end up looking like I had a run in with Freddy Krueger. I will tell you a little about myself. When I was a young pup I had a rough life. The people who owned me…yes, I said owned me…didn’t treat me very well. I was often kicked and hit. As I was tied up in the back yard being soaked by a March downpour I finally made my escape by desperately chewing through the harness that held me captive. I was free!!!! Alone on the streets, hungry, and hurt, but free!
Soon the Dog cops caught me and I was held at the “Pound”. It wasn’t as bad as where I was before: I had food, water and a roof over my head. I had three roommates that were very pushy and always stealing all the food, but I guess it could have been worse. My time at the pound was growing short. Everyday people would walk through the halls looking at us and trying to decide if we would go home with them. I waited for my turn, but it didn’t seem like it was going to come. One sunny day, a girl with long flowing brown hair walked up to my cage. She bent down and called to the little black whiney guy laying behind me. He looked up but never came to her. I walked up and placed my paw through the cage to get her attention. I also gave her my best booboo lip. She looked at me and said something to the big lady with her, then walked off. My heart sank into my tail.
Several days passed, and it was looking bleak. Several people came to my cage, and the girl and the big lady came too, but they were looking at the black dog, not me. It didn’t look like I was ever going to get probation. An older gentleman reached down and picked up the little black dog and cuddled him tight. Well, at least I got rid of a roommate. The girl sat down in front of my cage and took a tennis ball out of her pocket. She put it near me to see what my reaction would be (she didn’t know that next to cow and chicken the tennis ball is one of my favorite things). I didn’t know it at the time, but the girl and big lady were in the process of springing me out. I had to have surgery and a microchip before I could leave, but once that was all done the Big Lady came back, scooped me up in a blanket, put me in a warm dog crate, and took me to a new home.

My new home is amazing. I have my own bed with a fuzzy blanket (we refer to it as a woobie). I have tons of toys, food, treats, cookies, but most importantly a family who loves me. I have a girl, a mom and a dad. While my plan for world domination is ongoing, at least I can do it in comfort with the love and support of my new family

Monday, June 20, 2011

Who left the oven on?

Well it happened we went from Junuary (June feeling like January) to SUMMER! it feels like it happened overnight.  My family had to quickly make sure all the safety precautions were in place.  Lots of shade, cool fresh water and  paw protection,  I know it seems a little weird but when you think about it... it makes sense.. would you walk around on the hot cement or asphalt barefoot?  then why when you take us out for our daily stroll would you expect us to walk on the blistering hot surfaces?  I either walk on the grass or I have a very stylish pair of shoes that protect my feet from the heat.  these are really easy solutions to help keep us safe and happy!  One of the most important is one people often forget, DO NOT leave your furry friends in the car while you run errands.  How would you like to be placed in a human sized easy bake oven?  In just a few minutes the heat inside a car can rise to dangerous levels.  Remember we regulate our body temperature differently than humans so we can overheat much quicker which can have deadly consequences.  Keep us safe and cool so we can continue to be your best friends for years to come.

Be safe, stay cool... Cheers from the dog with the ears....

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